joi, decembrie 28, 2006
duminică, decembrie 17, 2006
miercuri, decembrie 13, 2006
Friends are like Angels
Who brighten our days.
In all kinds of wonderful,
Magical ways.
Their thoughtfulness comes,
As a gift from above.
And we feel we're surrounded,
By warm, caring love.
Like upside-down rainbows,
Their smiles bring the sun.
And they fill ho-hum moments,
With laughter and fun.
Friends are like angels,
Without any wings.
Blessing our lives,
With the most precious things.
luni, decembrie 11, 2006
"Dog Haiku"
I love my master;
Thus I perfume myself with
This long-rotten squirrel.
I lie belly-up
In the sunshine, happier than
You ever will be
Today I sniffed
Many dog butts - I celebrate
By kissing your face.
I sound the alarm!
Paperboy - come to kill us all -
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!
I sound the alarm!
Mailman Fiend - come to kill us all -
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!
I sound the alarm!
Meter reader - come to kill all -
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!
I sound the alarm!
Garbage man - come to kill all -
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!
I sound the alarm!
Neighbor's cat - come to kill all!
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!
I lift my leg and
Wiz on each bush. Hello, Spot -
Sniff this and weep.
How do I love thee?
The ways are numberless as
My hairs on the rug.
My human is home!
I am so ecstatic I have
Made a puddle.
I hate my choke chain -
Look, world, they strangle me! Ack
Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack!
Sleeping here, my chin
On your foot - no greater bliss - well,
Maybe catching cats.
Look in my eyes and
Deny it. No human could
Love you as much I do.
Dig under fence - why?
Because it's there. Because it's
There. Because it's there.
I am your best friend,
Now, always, and especially
When you are eating.
You may call them fleas,
But they are far more - I call
Them a vocation.
Romantic - I lie near their
Feet. I blow a big one.
"Cat Haiku"
You never feed me.
Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
That will sure show you.
You *must* scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail!
Behold, elevator butt.
The rule for today:
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.
Grace personified.
I leap into the window.
I meant to do that.
Blur of motion, then --
Silence, me, a paper bag.
What is so funny?
You're always typing.
Well, let's see you ignore my
sitting on your hands.
My small cardboard box.
You cannot see me if I
Can just hide my head.
Terrible battle.
I fought for hours. Come and see!
What's a 'term paper?'
Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
Fear vacuum cleaner.
I want to be close
to you. Can I fit my head
inside your armpit?
Wanna go outside.
Oh, crap! Help! I got outside!
Let me back inside!
Oh no! Big One
has been trapped by newspaper!
Cat to the rescue!
Humans are so strange.
Mine lies still in bed, then screams.
My claws are not that sharp.
Cats meow out of angst
"Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
We could break so much!"
The Big Ones snore now
Every room is dark and cold
Time for "Cup Hockey."
In deep sleep hear sound
Cat vomit hair ball somewhere
Will find in morning.
We're almost equals
I purr to show I love you.
Want to smell my butt?
Bad - she fills the litter box
With Tootsie Rolls.
Ceremonii speciale pentru Nobel
Sursa :
duminică, decembrie 10, 2006
Oferta Business COSMOTE
Oferta COSMOTE pentru companii este compusă din 8 tipuri de abonamente cu minute naţionale incluse şi Extraopţiunea Business Grup.
Extraopţiunea Business Grup (CUG = grup inchis utilizatori/closed user group) oferă convorbiri gratuite, nelimitat, în grupul de utilizatori – in cadrul aceleiasi companii
Oferta COSMOTE Business are urmatoarele avantaje:
> Abonamente cu minute incluse, pozitionate cel mai bine din piata
> Tarife diferentiate dupa consumarea minutelor incluse
> Extraoptiune Business Grup - CUG (grup inchis utilizatori)
> Abonamentele Cosmote Business sunt cele mai avantajoase de pe piata
> Pentru utilizare stricta a minutelor din pachet
> Pentru o distributie de trafic de 50% in retea si 50% in afara retelei
Utilizatorii abonamentelor Cosmote Business beneficiaza de:
1. Cele mai mici abonamente cu minute incluse existente pe piata (c10 si c30)
2. Cele mai avantajoase abonamente cu minute incluse din piata
3. Apeluri gratuite, nelimitat, in grup
4. Control strict al costurilor de comunicare pentru fiecare angajat (minute incluse ce pot fi folosite pentru apeluri in afara grupului + apeluri gratuite nelimitat in grup)
Caracteristici abonamente COSMOTE Business
1.Taxarea se face la secundă după primul minut indivizibil de convorbire.
2.Minutele incluse pot fi utilizate pentru apeluri către orice reţea naţională fixă sau mobilă. Dupa consumarea minutelor incluse tarifele sunt diferenţiate în funcţie de destinaţie.
3.Minutele incluse neconsumate într-o lună se vor reporta în luna următoare, în limita numărului de minute incluse în abonament.
4.Perioada minima contractuala – 12 luni
5.Schimbarea abonamentului ales:
a. în sens crescător (către un abonament cu mai multe minute naţionale), se poate face în orice moment
b. în sens descrescător (către un abonament cu mai puţine minute naţionale incluse) – se poate face după 8 luni de la activarea abonamentului sau după 4 luni de la ultima schimbare a planului tarifar.
In ambele cazuri, schimbarea planului tarifar se face gratuit.
Caracteristici Extraopţiune Business Grup (CUG)
1. Disponibila la nivel de utilizator. Pentru a beneficia de apeluri gratuite nelimitat, in grup, trebuie ca fiecare utilizator sa aiba activata Extraopţiunea Business Grup - CUG.
2. Grupul este constituit din toate numerele de telefon apartinand aceluiasi cont client si avand Extraopţiunea Business Grup – CUG activata.
3. Taxa lunară pentru această extraopţiune diferă în funcţie de abonamentul ales
4. Activare / Dezactivare
a. Pentru activarea Extraopţiunii Business Grup pentru abonamentele COSMOTE Business 10 – COSMOTE Business 600 este necesară plata în avans pentru primele 2 luni de facturare la orice magazin sau partener comercial COSMOTE.
b. Extraopţiunea Business Grup trebuie mentinută activă cel puţin 3 luni de facturare întregi, după activarea extraopţiunii. Dupa această perioadă iniţială, activarea şi dezactivarea extraopţiunii poate avea loc de ori de căte ori se doreşte.
c. Prima dezactivare a Extraopţiunii Business Grup se poate face la cerere, apelând gratuit Serviciul de Relaţii cu Clienţii COSMOTE, la numărul 1234, dar numai după perioada iniţială de 3 luni. Dupa această perioadă iniţială, Extraopţiunea poate fi activată şi dezactivată după o lună întreagă de facturare.
Alte caracteristici
Abonamentele COSMOTE Business au acces la toate serviciile din oferta COSMOTE. Tarifele şi condiţiile contractuale ale acestora sunt cele valabile la momentul activării lor.
Caracteristici promotie:
Achizitionand cu numai 59.99 RON (pret minim de vanzare cu TVA inclus) pachetul promotional cartela COSMOTE cu Hands Free-ul Bluetooth Motorola, utilizatorii vor beneficia de:
- Cartela COSMOTE cu credit initial de comunicare de 5 Euro
- Hands free bluetooth UNIVERSAL Motorola, compatibil cu telefoane echipate cu Bluetooth, printre care: MOTOROLA, NOKIA, SONY-ERICSSON & SIEMENS
In plus, utilizatorii prepaid care isi activeaza cartela COSMOTE pana la data de 31 Decembrie 2006, vor beneficia si de promotia Extraoptiunea 300 de minute şi 300 SMS-uri în reţeaua COSMOTE
vineri, decembrie 08, 2006
Broken chains
A sad melody
Falling tears
Listening ears
A friend just for me
Reaching out
Sharing doubt
When life gets me down
Hands to clutch
Gentle touch
Can turn me around
Spoken words
Softly heard
Holding tight
Loving light
Calm serenity
joi, decembrie 07, 2006
To listen and understand me.
I appreciate all you did for me,
And all you still do.
Thank you for making me feel whole again,
For putting my pieces back together.
I appreciate you putting my life back together,
You saved my life.
You may not understand,
Why I do what I do.
But you never criticized,
You just helped my through.
I knew I could come to you when I was down,
'cause I knew you'd always be there
to pick me back up
and say everything will be ok.
miercuri, decembrie 06, 2006
Not In Her Storm
And it is always I fight for the welcome change
When it rains it pours on this heart of mine
So, I take the storms I feel to her each time.
But I know she has lived under her own pouring rain
Yet under her water her heart still doesn't change
She can walk away from what hangs overhead
And, not in her storm, are words left unsaid.
Not in her storm have I ever felt alone
Her storm ends, so I, may find my way home
It's for me that she pushes away her own rain
So, that I may find comfort in calling her name.
She lives in this world for the sake of another's heart
God, how she eases the miles when worlds apart
And she never wanders when your world falls through
Not ever in her storm would she do this to you.
She has wings that I know not only I can see
Cause only an angel could find strength to carry me
It's the way that the eyes can surely view
How her heart's written so clearly in what an angel can do.
Not in her storm is her work ever done
And even in her storm she hands me the sun
When her world is dark - I always have light
And now how I hold the new color of night.
She takes then she gives to an unhappy face
So that many can find an awesome place
I have been able to love her more every day
And with her hand in mine the clouds roll away.
Not in any storm that I will ever live beneath
Could ever change what I hold here inside of me
Not in any of her storms have I lost my angels touch
To that angel out there, I love her so much.
marți, decembrie 05, 2006
Why ?
Why is life so confusing?
Why can't anything work out?
Why am I here?
Why am I alive?
Why is everything I do a failure?
Why is everything a disappointment?
Why will I always be alone?
Why can't I do anything right?
Why can't I be loved?
Why can't I be a good friend?
Why not give up on dreams?
Why are the only dreams that come true nightmares?
Why do dreams make you feel good and have hope?
Why, in reality, is there no hope?
Why is there no love?
Why is there no purpose?
Why is there no dream come true?
Why is there only pain?
Why is there only failure?
Why is there only regret?
Why is life pure SADDNESS?
luni, decembrie 04, 2006
Best friends
that’s something we will always be
We wont ever be more
But I wish we could be
At least I can hold you in my arms
And you will always be here for me
Someday I hope you feel the same way I do
I will be waiting here for you
the thought of having you
And I still do
But I messed up
And there is nothing I can do
You like my best friend
And he likes you
I hope you 2 are happy
Cause I cant be with you
I still hold memories
And the talks we had
I wish I could have you back
Cause now it seems like im always sad
I guess everyone cant be happy
But I wish I was
Cause I would be with you
And we could share a lot more memories
But right now I don’t have you
And probably never will
Im glad your happy
While im stuck here missing you
Is love always this hard
You don’t even know
But I guess
I have to let you go
I wish we could go back
That Friday night
Maybe things would be better
And we would be together
I hate my life
I really do
If you just new
I need you
But now its to late
And I cant go back
All I can feel is the hate
You have for me now
I hope it doesn’t last
Cause I will really miss you
We fought in the past
But nothing like this
Why is life so hard?
Is it just me
Or do I share the same feelings
as my peers?
word cant exsplain
You make me feel so real
Like life is worth living
you are so caring
And everything about you
Makes love so true
You mean so much to me
And I am lucky
To have you
With out some kind of issue
I had no clue
That I would ever have you
I love you
And everything that you do
All I would like to say to you
Is that I love you
With all my heart
And I hope we will never part
stuck here without you
With me everyday
But something happened
And your not here today
Everyone is here
While you are up there
We miss you terribly
And wish we could see you again
I always think of the good times
That we shared in the past
Before you went to heaven
And left us behind
You wasn’t ready to go
You had a good life ahead of you
I wonder why god picked you
And I guess I will never know
Maybe he needed you up there
Since you were a good person
But maybe he just didn’t care
About the people that are still here
I will see you in the future
When he decides to take me too
But till then I will be here
Miss you
Love sucks...
vineri, decembrie 01, 2006
Oferta Cosmote de Craciun
Oferta de Craciun la COSMOTE !
Pana la 7200 minute nationale pe an si 6000 minute + 6000 SMS-uri in reteaua COSMOTE pe an
Incepand cu data de 4 Decembrie 2006, COSMOTE lanseaza pentru noii clienti postpaid Oferta de Craciun (Christmas Offer), constand in:
- 500 de minute de convorbire catre orice numar COSMOTE si 500 de mesaje scrise catre orice numar COSMOTE pe luna sau 6000 de minute de convorbire catre orice numar COSMOTE si 6000 de mesaje scrise catre orice numar COSMOTE pe an
- dublul minutelor nationale incluse in abonament in primele 3 luni de contract
- telefoane CADOU pentru orice tip abonament COSMOTE
In plus, toti clientii noi care isi activeaza Christmas EO 500+500 in perioada promotionala (4 - 31 Decembrie 2006) vor beneficia in functie de abonamentul ales de dublul minutelor nationale incluse in abonament in primele 3 luni de contract (prima, a doua si a treia luna).
Oferta de Craciun este disponibila numai pentru clientii noi care isi incheie un abonament COSMOTE in perioada de desfasurare a promotiei, la orice magazin sau partener COSMOTE. Activarea se realizeaza la solicitarea clientului, in momentul incheierii contractului.
De sarbatori ninge cu minute si sms-uri la Cartela COSMOTE